我喜歡英國人,因為他們尖酸因為他們刻薄。我曾經以讚譽的口吻跟英國來的同事說 “I really like you for being mean.”,但是對方似乎以為我在諷刺他,無法領會我的讚美,他應該只是剛好有個英國口音的非英國人。但是這無損英國人在我心中的地位,無嘴可賤過大不列顛嘴。他們的研究方向一如他們的言語,同樣獨特同樣讓人捧腹大笑。地球似乎在英國人眼裡有另一種運轉的方式,所以他們才會提出“戀愛有害健康”、“情人節激情熱吻小心腦膜炎上身”、“十本超能消耗熱量小說”等的研究報告。其實真正的進步是看到一般人看不到的運行方式,而英國就是如此,所以他們的科學家發現避孕吃藥的成效還不如戴對胸罩。前天又出現了一則來自進步國度新的研究報告,它告訴我們想生男孩早餐吃的越肥越好想生女孩就最好不要吃。所以生男生女並不是看老爸的Y染色體聽不聽話,是看老媽有沒有辦法為了即將出生的兒子早起喝油。英國科學家又為我們上了寶貴的一課,不要再相信沒有事實根據的說法了,因為事實是用來被推翻的你永遠不知道今天你所相信的到了明天成了什麼。
From Narnia to Starter for 10, from Becoming Jane to Atonemt, and the fairytale Penelope.
The somber charming gambler, the frustrated pianist, the incarnation of bad boy. Oh~ Nerdy geeky sweety. Let's meet James McAvoy, the new hottest 1979 star.
同樣道理可用在真愛的尋覓。對愛情的想像誰都有,但是天上掉下來未必就是真愛,這點亡小纏告訴過我們。有時不是得不到,而是自己先設限詛咒了自己。我是個很有創意的人,所以不喜歡自我重覆也不愛碎嘴,不過最近經歷的一些事讓我不得不佩服自己先知先覺,以下這段文字出自於一部愛情小品Love & Other Disasters,再引一次,個人認為可以用來解公主王子夢的毒:
Jacks: Love isn't always a lightning bolt, you know? Maybe sometimes it's just a choice.
Pete: Well, that's easy for you to say! You're flying to Argentina to meet the love of your life!
Jacks: That's just it. I don't know that Paolo's the love of my life' but I've decided to give him the chance to be. Maybe true love is a decision. You know, a decision to take a chance with somebody. To give to somebody without worrying whether they'll give anything back. Or if they're gonna hurt you, or if they really are the one. Maybe love isn't something that happens to you. Maybe it's something you have to choose.
Once for awhile, we don’t believe we are lovable, we cannot believe someone would love us fully unconditionally.
So we get insecure, we give upwhen we don’t get what we want
We thought the only reason that we are not getting what we want is that they are not that into us. But the truth is, we make a wish and leave others only one chance to make it come true. Once they fail, we say they don’t love us.
我並不是a big fan of fusion,只是偶爾碰到某段悅耳曲調時會追蹤一下。不過fusion的確是值得鼓勵的,古典搭搖滾爵士配電子越來越多意想不到組合。實驗是好的,打破藩籬也是好的,只要沒人被強迫或是因此受傷。相信大家都有在注意,前天放的爵士三重奏鋼琴手Iiro Rantala與昨天的Beatbox魔人Feliz Zenger及吉他手Marzi Nyman三個芬蘭人也很有實驗精神而且搞的還有模有樣,讓我知道芬蘭除了果汁有名樂手也是人才倍出。突肚佬與不會說話的男孩及煙管褲禿頭吉他手,他們合組了個新的Trio叫Shit Catapult (Shit在芬蘭語裡是冠詞或敬語嗎?)。以下的表演視頻,又再一次告訴我們在藝術(音樂)裡,不分老少胖瘦禿密,只要好好玩大家都能玩出個名堂來。