Always when we fight I try to make you laugh Til everything's forgotten I know you hate that
ba ba da da ba ba ba ba (2x)
Always when we fight I kiss you once or twice And everything's forgotten I know you hate that
I love you Sunday song The week's not yet begun And everything is quiet And it's always...
You and me always, and forever You and me always, and forever ba ba ba ba da ba, it was always You and me always..
You tell me I'm a real man and try to look impressed Not very convincing But you know I love it
Now we watch TV Til we fall asleep Not very exciting But it's you and...
Me and we'll always be together You and me always, and forever ba ba ba ba da ba, it was always... You and me always, and forever You and me always, and forever ba ba ba ba da ba, it was always... You and me always, and forever You and me always, and forever ba ba ba ba da ba ba.... ba ra ra
有網友把這首歌比喻為思念出走的靈魂人物吉他手Graham Coxen之歌。團員出走,大部份是翅膀硬了。就本人對於接招與壞小子羅比愛恨情仇的小小觀察,成員出走的團體,有時更會因此瓦解讓支持者心碎。不過真金不怕火煉接招仍是有辦法重出江湖,辣妹也是。如此損失在Blur的情況看來,傷害相對小很多。Think Tank的風格的確不同以往,多了點電也多了些柔軟。在Think Tank 裡仍能聽到當時柱著拐杖在台上使勁跳的Damon,不過是換了風情同樣臉孔。聽Park life時期也聽綠州,那時愛到可以把整張(What's The Story) Morning Glory?背下來三民主義卻從未考過30分。記得當時有人將Oasis跟Blur比喻為天才跟地才,一個有天份一個肯努力。天地之分有無意義,時間證明真正能留下來的是熱情而不是酒精。
What am I to do Someone is really unhappy Put myself on the knife It seems I never got through to you So I’ll wean myself off slowly
I’m a darkened soul My street’s all pop music and coke All our lives on tv You switch off and try to sleep People get so lonely
I believe, I believe, I believe Everythings out to see I believe, I believe, I believe I believe that it’s the way it should be I hope you feel the same way
Everyone is dying Stop crying now here comes the sun I didn’t mean to hurt you, oh no no But it takes time to see what you’ve done So I’ll wean myself off slowly
I believe, I believe, I believe Love is the only one I deceive, I deceive, I deceive I deceive cos I’m not that strong Hope you feel the same way
And now
It seems that we’re just falling apart And I hope I see the good in you Come back again I just believed in you
昨晚在HBO上看到The Prestige(頂尖對決),特別來推一下。這是部從小說改編來的電影,幾年前小知堂出版時我還以為那是青少年讀物。因此才會電影一出就趨之若鶩?當然不太可能。是看到英挺的蝙蝠俠要去變魔術了,所以要來捧個場,我們蝙蝠俠可以說是薄唇界的型男,很少有人抿嘴能如他性格。看完這部片就一個字能形容---爽!如我先前提到除了肉體有高潮之外,在邏輯中也會發生同樣的事。這部片為魔術下的定義是人生的一大啟示。裡面的老前輩說道“It (the magic) has no trick. It’s real.”為故事揭開序幕,其後的發展都建築在這段話上。老人(米高老先生戲真是精)提到魔術三幕,說明一個好的魔術該如果運作。將鳥兒變不見這魔術只完成了一半,如果魔術師就此打住只會引起觀眾的焦慮。「那鳥呢?鳥到哪兒去了?」要把鳥兒再關近籠才算是完成了一個戲法。這是整部片給我最大啟發的地方:一個好的故事,就是給你一個絕妙的說法,超乎想像合乎邏輯大家買帳。做人,我們總得給個說法。有時是個連自己都想為自己拍手叫好的說法,有時是個你自己說了嘴都軟的說法。而更有些時候,為了要給個說法人們付出極大代價如劇中的魔術師。這部片提供大家娛樂(看史考莉嘟著嘴就是種享受),還附贈教導人生精義這麼好的package錯過是老鼠。
Joni Mitchel的民謠吉他讓她雖無法走偶像但絕對是個能經過時間考驗的實力派。 這是首好歌,寫的是信仰農夫會停止使用農藥戰爭會因為學生反抗而止息的純真年代。若要問我曲跟詞如何分上下,就像是問我外表跟內在該如何取捨。不過這首歌無論詞曲都很容易上口又好聽,尤其對於時間流逝有深深感觸的人們。 Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you’ve got til it’s gone…
A day is a step; a year is a tango. A day is a tourist; a year is a traveler. A day is a chance encounter; a year says love. A day is a frustration; a year is a melody. A day is a lump of clay; a year is whatever you want it to be. A day is a thought; a year is a philosophy. A day says crazy; a year says genius. A day is a dream; a year is an adventure. Every year counts
比起咖啡,星星糖讓我印象更深。我不大會喜歡早期作品,但是朴泰仁男人的外表男孩的癡情撞得我滿天星。Wuli Yoo超齡演出卻恰如其分,不是他未熟而是他表演細緻到位。每一個淘氣調皮的表情,都是piece of art。如果我會愛上一個男孩,應該就是星星糖這種成熟及稚氣綜合體。誰都希望能這樣地被珍惜、被愛。
他溫和如小動物般的眼神及溫柔具觸感的低沉嗓音,讓他不論是演高中生、紈絝子弟、或是殺手,我都無法將目光移開他身上。Never get enough of him.